Wednesday 24 February 2016

How Enterprises Can Use Social Media

Enterprises can use social media in multiple ways that can be beneficial for them.

Promoting themselves
The most popular and most likely main reason an enterprises uses social media is to promote themselves. Promoting themselves can lead to an increase in sales and popularity.

Hosting Competitions/Give Away
Hosting a competition or a give away can be very beneficial for an enterprise as it can increase their popularity and gain positive recognition and it can improve brand loyalty and it can increase their inbound traffic.

Decrease Their Marketing Costs
Using a free platform like most social media sites like Facebook or Twitter instead of paying for an advert in a magazine or on TV they can post update onto Twitter or Facebook. An enterprise could also pay to have an advert post onto everyone’s feeds for a lot cheaper than the other options.

Receive Instant Feedback

An enterprise can check on social media whenever they make a change to their business or hold a promotional event to check people’s reactions towards the change or promotional event and make changes based on this if needed.

Kevin Crawford

Characteristics of Social Media

For a website to be categorized as a social media web site it should contain some of these characteristics.

Web Space
The web site should provide users with free web space to upload content such as their photos, videos, blogs, groups and hobbies/info.

Web Address
Giving the users a unique web address allows their page to become their web identity so they can share this web address with others and promote themselves if they are using it as a business page, are in a band, are an independent artists or are using it as a portfolio.

Building Profiles
The ability to create your own profile and being able to customize your profile in some way I a popular choice for social media as it allows the user to customize their profile to suit whatever purpose the page was create for like being able to add your business logo or add your own art to your webpage.

Connecting with friends
The ability to connect with friends through social media is a must otherwise it won’t be very social. Being able to connect with your friends through social media will allow you to plan events, play games and share photos/videos.

Uploading Content in Real Time
Being able to upload in real time allows the user to keep their profile up to date and anyone who follows that person up to date as well.

Enable Conversations
Being able to have conversations with friends, groups and strangers (if they would like that option) is also a must have characteristic of social media and keeps people coming back to check on their group conversations and also allows the users to be able to plan events easier.

Time Stamps

Having time stamps on posts is more important than most people might think because it allows users to be able to follow posts a lot easier and see when a certain update was posted.

Kevin Crawford